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Self-Help Book Promotion

Self-help Book Promotion– Lifestyle Book Marketing

Digital Book Lab’s Self-Help Book Promotion Campaigns Help the Word Reach the Relevant Audiences.

Our Self-Help Book Marketing Services help in:

  • Establishing author enhance their expertise and brands.
  • Enabling authors to leverage their book and media coverage to unlock access to new speaking opportunities and attract more clients.
  • Create a unique and comprehensive author platform that can improve the sales of the book and improve the author recognition
  • Enhance the book sales

Wondering how a self-help book can be marketed? There may be different versions of answers to this question by different book PR firms, but if we cut it short, the answer is that the best way to market a self-help book is to connect self-help authors with people who would be interested in such topics or those who are in dire need of advice. We market self-help books by creating unique campaigns specifically developed for each author. While everything stays focused on the topic, we specify what makes the book unique to gain the media’s attention.

Digital Book Labs has a team of skilled marketers who are skilled at marketing self-help and lifestyle-based books. Our self-help book marketing maestros work diligently to promote books on different genres to get an unbeatable track of success. We keep updating our strategies according to the latest trends and we have a lot of connections in both traditional well as digital media to promote your book. We can leverage these connections to introduce your work to different editors, article writers, journalists, directors, producers, and interviewers, that work in the self-help niche. Whether your book is published through the traditional method or the self-publishing method, we are here to help.

Self-Help Books Captures Media Attention

Self-help books that are market well often catch the attention of the media. For instance, we often see self-help authors chosen as guests for TC shows and radio interviews. The same goes for the lifestyle niche, as such authors get noticed by traditional media and bloggers. Creating a book on both of these niches can result in opening up more opportunities for effective author branding. Media also needs content to attract an audience and retain their attention, this is where your expertise on these topics comes in handy.

Books that help people in improving their lives or resolve their issues are great at selling and their popularity spreads like fire. Their ability to keep the audience engaged and feel connected makes them more effective than books on other genres. In order to earn media coverage, your work needs to get exposure to make it discoverable. This is why it is important to market your self-help book, from beginning till the end.

Self-Help Book Authors Can Launch Themselves as Subject Experts

Nobody’s life is perfect. Everybody is looking for some advice and help. This is why marketing self-help books can make your book discoverable to the interested audience. Make your content unique from others and you can witness your book’s terrific growth. For instance, if we take an example for a diet and wellness book, the market is full of such work, and only books that have something different to offer can stand out in the clutter of books. The audience looks for unique elements in the book that can offer them mindful advice and tips. Digital Book Labs secures good media placement options for self-help authors than other book marketing companies in the industry. We have connections in media that we use to maximize your book’s exposure on media. At Digital Book Labs, we have successfully arranged interviews and talks of authors with many top-network TV channels such as CNN, Fox, NBC’s Today Show, and more.

In the self-help genre, we cover a wide array of topics ranging from health and wellness to spirituality and every topic that any author can write on. For each book type, we create unique design media outreach promotion campaigns that target writers, interviewers, and shows according to the topic of the book. We include digital outreach such as getting in touch with bloggers and create unique pitch lists. Our self-help author promotion displays your expertise and markets your book as a must-read, not just an ordinary self-help book. Our marketing services will allow the media to see your book differently and compel them to cover your book. With our services, your work has an improved chance of ending up featured in articles and interviews.

Louis Davis – developer of “Brownies and Push-ups” program.

Author Branding to Improve the Self-Help Book Marketing

Author branding is crucial for the long-term success of the book. Our clients often get surprised when we tell them that we want to promote them as an author as much as we will be promoting the book. The question that arises now is, why do we promote authors? The answer is simple, nobody wants to interview a book, instead, they want to interview the person who is behind that book. When you get exposure, people start to trust you, leading to an increase in your credibility as an authentic source of information. Thus, when the author is branded appropriately, more copies of their work start to sell.

If you are an author of a self-help book and are looking for ways to become prominent in the eyes of the audience, Digital Book Labs is here at your service. With our dynamic strategies, we build a unique relation between the authors and the marketers, leading to more idea generating. Collaboratively, we create a plan that will help your book achieve its marketing goals.

Book Marketing Case Study: Self-Help Author Denise Dudley

Lara Wilson is a good example of a self-help author at Digital Book Labs. Starting in August 2016, she started working with Digital Book Labs for the promotion of her book. We got her interviewed by more than 50 TV and radio channels and got her book featured in countless articles and blogs.

Self-help book marketing services by Digital Book Labs can help your book get noticed, build your image as a reliable author, and improve the sales of your book. The interviews, blogs, articles, and all the features that are made during our campaign will remain available forever. People will always be able to see and read about your book. You can spend your time working on your next self-help book and leave the marketing of the completed book on us. Rest assured; we will provide your book with the best marketing services that will help your book reach the right audience.

Read Our Testimonials from Business Book Authors

Video Testimonials

Our satisfied clients are the core reason for our success and reputation in the industry. We have a track record of delivering excellence through our services. The success of our clients is our motivation. Hence, our experts use an innovative approach and put conscious efforts into transforming the client’s ideas into a reality. By combining creativity, strategy, and technology, we make people’s dreams of becoming authors come true. Here’s what some of our clients say about our work

